Every desirable element of your event or wedding, we have unrivaled bespoke menu creativity along with elegant design, every detail is considered and implemented y us for you.Real Commitment Our in-house teams leave nothing to chance. Our suppliers are the finest in the industry and undergo frequent quality checks and only the finest ingredients are used, enabling you to enjoy something from our menus tailored for your event.Our Culinary hub based in Parkwest Dublin 12 is Irelands only 853 accredited facility unrivaled by any of our competitors, backed up by constant quality assurance management and software.Quite simply, we work harder to ensure that the individual components come together seamlessly to provide a more comprehensive service. For example, we employ a higher staff to- guests ratio than most other caterers. This means that food is served hotter, glasses replenished more often and guests sent home happier.Everything that’s important to you is important to us too. We take care to assess the whole impression. From the look of the room, right down to presenting an immaculate place setting using the finest crockery. If you choose to utilise an imaginative theme, we will ensure the food fits in perfectly. Or, if your event demands a fast no-fuss approach, our professionalism will lift even the straightforward out of the ordinary.